- auteur
- Valentina Pacella, Victor Nozais, Lia Talozzi, Majd Abdallah, Demian Wassermann, Stephanie Forkel, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
- titre
- The morphospace of the brain-cognition organisation
- article
- Nature Communications, 2024, 15 (1), pp.8452. ⟨10.1038/s41467-024-52186-9⟩
- DOI : 10.1038/s41467-024-52186-9
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- auteur
- Alexandre Le Bris, Louis Rouillard, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Improving Individual-Specific Functional Parcellation Through Transfer Learning
- article
- 2024
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- auteur
- Louis Rouillard, Alexandre Le Bris, Thomas Moreau, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- PAVI: Plate-Amortized Variational Inference
- article
- Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal, 2023
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- auteur
- Majd Abdallah, Gaston Zanitti, Valentin Iovene, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Functional gradients in the human lateral prefrontal cortex revealed by a comprehensive coordinate-based meta-analysis
- article
- eLife, In press, ⟨10.7554/eLife.76926⟩
- DOI : 10.7554/eLife.76926
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- auteur
- Hyesang Chang, Lang Chen, Yuan Zhang, Ye Xie, Carlo de Los Angeles, Emma Adair, Gaston Zanitti, Demian Wassermann, Miriam Rosenberg-Lee, Vinod Menon
- titre
- Foundational number sense training gains are predicted by hippocampal–parietal circuits
- article
- Journal of Neuroscience, 2022, 42 (19), pp.JN-RM-1005-21. ⟨10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1005-21.2022⟩
- DOI : 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1005-21.2022
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- auteur
- Gaston E Zanitti, Yamil Soto, Valentin Iovene, Maria Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O Rodriguez, Gerardo I Simari, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Scalable Query Answering under Uncertainty to Neuroscientific Ontological Knowledge: The NeuroLang Approach
- article
- Neuroinformatics, 2022, ⟨10.3389/fninf.2014.00014⟩
- DOI : 10.3389/fninf.2014.00014
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- auteur
- Maëliss Jallais, Pedro Luiz Coelho Rodrigues, Alexandre Gramfort, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Inverting brain grey matter models with likelihood-free inference: a tool for trustable cytoarchitecture measurements
- article
- Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging, 2022, pp.1-27. ⟨10.48550/arXiv.2111.08693⟩
- DOI : 10.48550/arXiv.2111.08693
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- auteur
- Majd Abdallah, Valentin Iovene, Gaston Zanitti, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Meta-Analysis of the Functional Neuroimaging Literature with Probabilistic Logic Programming
- article
- Scientific Reports, 2022, ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-21801-4⟩
- DOI : 10.1038/s41598-022-21801-4
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- auteur
- Louis Rouillard, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- ADAVI: Automatic Dual Amortized Variational Inference Applied To Pyramidal Bayesian Models
- article
- ICLR 2022, Apr 2022, Virtual, France. ⟨10.48550/arXiv.2106.12248⟩
- DOI : 10.48550/arXiv.2106.12248
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- auteur
- Valentin Iovene, Gaston Zanitti, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Complex Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis with Probabilistic Programming
- article
- Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Feb 2021, Online, France
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- auteur
- Gaston Zanitti, Valentin Iovene, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Verifying ontological knowledge through meta-analysis: Study cases of Pain and Consciousness
- article
- OHBM 2021 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2021, Virtual, France
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- auteur
- Kamalaker Dadi, Gaël Varoquaux, Antonia Machlouzarides-Shalit, Krzysztof J. Gorgolewski, Demian Wassermann, Bertrand Thirion, Arthur Mensch
- titre
- Fine-grain atlases of functional modes for fMRI analysis
- article
- NeuroImage, 2020, 221, pp.117126
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- auteur
- Vinod Menon, Guillermo Gallardo, Mark Pinsk, Van-Dang Nguyen, Jing-Rebecca Li, Weidong Cai, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Microstructural organization of human insula is linked to its macrofunctional circuitry and predicts cognitive control
- article
- eLife, 2020, 9, ⟨10.7554/eLife.53470⟩
- DOI : 10.7554/eLife.53470
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Valentin Iovene, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Probabilistic Programming in neurolang: Bridging the Gap Between Cognitive Science and Statistical Modeling
- article
- 2020 OHBM - Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2020, Remote due to Covid-19, France
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- auteur
- Antonia Machlouzarides-Shalit, Nikos Makris, Gaston Zanitti, Valentin Iovene, Guillaume M Lemaitre, Guillaume Favelier, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- NeuroLang: Representing Neuroanatomy with Sulcus-Specific Queries
- article
- Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2020, Montreal, Canada
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- auteur
- Kamalaker Dadi, Gaël Varoquaux, Antonia Machlouzarides-Shalit, Krzysztof Jacek Gorgolewski, Demian Wassermann, Bertrand Thirion, Arthur Mensch
- titre
- Fine-grain atlases of functional modes for fMRI analysis
- article
- 2020
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- auteur
- Lang Chen, Demian Wassermann, Daniel Abrams, John Kochalka, Guillermo Gallardo-Diez, Vinod Menon
- titre
- The visual word form area (VWFA) is part of both language and attention circuitry
- article
- Nature Communications, 2019, 10 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41467-019-13634-z⟩
- DOI : 10.1038/s41467-019-13634-z
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- auteur
- Antonia Machlouzarides-Shalit, Valentin Iovene, Nikos Makris, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- A Novel Sulcal Hierarchy Based on Manually Labelled Sulci
- article
- Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy
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- auteur
- Valerie Sydnor, Ana María Rivas-Grajales, Amanda Lyall, Fan Zhang, Sylvain Bouix, Sarina Karmacharya, Martha Shenton, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Nikos Makris, Demian Wassermann, Lauren J. O'Donnell, Marek Kubicki
- titre
- A comparison of three fiber tract delineation methods and their impact on white matter analysis
- article
- NeuroImage, 2018, 178, pp.318-331. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.044⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.044
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- auteur
- Jérôme Dockès, Demian Wassermann, Russell Poldrack, Fabian M. Suchanek, Bertrand Thirion, Gaël Varoquaux
- titre
- Text to brain: predicting the spatial distribution of neuroimaging observations from text reports
- article
- MICCAI 2018 - 21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Sep 2018, Granada, Spain. pp.1-18
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- auteur
- Nathalie T H Gayraud, Guillermo Gallardo, Maureen Clerc, Demian Wassermann
- titre
- Solving the Cross-Subject Parcel Matching Problem: Comparing Four Methods Using Extrinsic Connectivity
- article
- OHBM 2018, Jun 2018, Singapore, Singapore
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- auteur
- Demian Wassermann, Dang Van Nguyen, Guillermo Gallardo, Jing-Rebecca Li, Weidong Cai, Vinod Menon
- titre
- Sensing Von Economo Neurons in the Insula with Multi-shell Diffusion MRI
- article
- International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2018, Paris, France
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